repoDB contains a standard set of drug repositioning successes and failures that can be used to fairly and reproducibly benchmark computational repositioning methods. repoDB data was extracted from DrugCentral and
The repoDB website has several functionalities, which can be accessed from the navigation bar:
You can explore the types and characteristics of data in repoDB in the plot below.
repoDB contains information about 2381 currently approved drugs (as curated by DrugCentral). To search repoDB for a specific drug, select a drug and the current statuses you'd like to display. Drugs are listed with their DrugCentral and DrugBank IDs, for easier integration into your existing pipelines. Search results can be downloaded as a tab-separated values file using the download button below the table of drug indications.
repoDB contains information about 1462 diseases (indications), all mapped to UMLS terms for easier integration into your existing pipelines. To search for a specific disease, select a disease and the current statuses you'd like to display. Search results can be downloaded as a tab-separated values file using the download button below the table of drug indications.
The full repoDB database is available for download using the button below. Please note that the data is presented as-is, and not all entries have been validated before publication.
Download the full repoDB DatasetTo acknowledge use of the repoDB resource, please cite the following paper:
Brown AS and Patel CJ. repoDB: A New Standard for Drug Repositioning Validation.
Scientific Data.
170029 (2017).
repoDB was built using the May 16, 2020 release of DrugCentral, the live version, accessed in June 2020, of the AACT database, and the 2020AA Release of the Unified Medical Language System. Metformin and recycling symbol used under CC0 license from wikimedia commons. Database symbol by Designmodo, used under a CC3.0 license.
By using the repoDB database, users agree to cite our work, as well as AACT, DrugCentral, and UMLS for their role in data curation. This data is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
As repoDB is improved and augmented with new data, we will track any substantial changes made to repoDB here:
Version History
tab was added to address discrepancies introduced in totals for Terminated
Withdrawn, and Suspended drug-disease pairs versus published values due to bugfix in v1.1 (many thanks to Beste Turanli for
spotting the discrepancy).
repoDB is intended for educational and scientific research purposes only. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. repoDB was originally developed by AS Brown and CJ Patel, at the Harvard SoM Patel Group . In 2020, repoDB was updated by Jeremy Yang from the University of New Mexico (UNM), SoM, DoIM, Translational Informatics Division in cooperation with the original developers, with new versions of DrugCentral, AACT, and UMLS. The 2023 update was also released by UNM.